LARTA Institute

Los Angeles, CA



Portfolio Companies

Accelerating Solutions for Nature, Systems Transformation & Community Resilience.



Nature Preservation & Repair

A healthy natural environment in the oceans and on land.

Building a fossil-free world through revolutionary carbon transformation technology.

Empowering nature with technology.

Reducing methane emissions with the world’s mightiest seaweed.

Leading the bio-industrial revolution by turning abundant methane into biodegradable materials.

Solving human needs at scale using biology and mushroom technology.

Leveraging financial innovation for sustainable investment solutions to environmental challenges.

Navigating in rough skies and harsh environments to deliver critical supplies.

Developing technologies that reduce harmful interactions between humans and marine life.

Writing the next chapter in renewables with carbon-negative ink.

Creating the future of materials through innovations in biology and material science.

Recognizing that the health of our planet is foundational to all life on earth, we leverage our portfolio of ventures in science and technology to combat the twin emergencies of biodiversity loss and climate change. As we progress through this decisive decade towards 2030, it is an economic necessity to halt the degradation of our natural world.

We also want to actively engage in its restoration of ecosystems that have been damaged. Our proactive approach is supported by the belief that with targeted intervention and technological advancements, we can reverse some of the damages inflicted upon our environment and secure a sustainable future for coming generations.

Our strategic impact area of Nature Preservation and Repair is tied to Sustainable Development Goals #13 Climate Action, #14 Life Below Water and #15 Life on Land. To support these goals we need deep, rapid and sustained efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 43% by 2030 and to reach net zero by 2050. We need to significantly reduce marine pollution and overfishing to support healthy and productive oceans. And we also must halt the loss of forests, land degradation and species extinction by protecting and restoring biodiversity.

Solution Areas

The innovations we fund in support of SDG #13 Climate Action relate to emissions monitoring and data, emissions removal and storage, and climate education.

The innovations we fund in support of SDG #14 Life Below Water relate to ocean health monitoring and data, marine habitats and conservation, fish and biodiversity regeneration.

The innovations we fund in support of SDG #15 Life on Land include protection of threatened wildlife, freshwater ecosystem conservation, reforestation, soil and land restoration.


Food, Water & Energy Systems

Transforming production of clean, renewable resources.

Planting millions of trees to feed billions of people.

Powering the future of mobility.

Elevating architecture for humankind’s integration into our natural environment.

Unlocking the power of the ocean for sustainable energy access.

Modifying diesel engines to run on clean alternative fuels.

Harvesting the Earth’s
heat to help achieve a carbon-free future.

Pioneering technologies that convert carbon to meet the demand for better food, feed and fuels.

Unlocking resilient agriculture to combat climate change and grow profitability.

Treating wastewater with an algae-based, sustainable solution.

Safeguarding access to water against disruptions, drought, and the effects of climate change.

We are working to establish smart agriculture and sustainable farming practices that resonate with the needs of local communities while being scalable at a national level. These contemporary practices are crucial not only for ensuring food security but also for reducing agriculture’s carbon footprint.

Moreover, our commitment extends to reshaping the landscape of energy production. By supporting the innovation of infrastructure and systems, we are at the forefront of facilitating access to energy that is not only clean and renewable but also reliable and economically accessible. These initiatives are vital steps toward a resilient food and energy system that can withstand the pressures of climate change and serve as a model for global sustainability efforts.

Our strategic impact area of Food, Water and Energy Systems is tied to Sustainable Development Goals #2 Zero Hunger, #6 Clean Water and Sanitation and #7 Affordable Clean Energy. To achieve zero hunger by 2030, we need immediate and intensified efforts to transform food systems, ensure food security and invest in sustainable agricultural practices. To ensure the availability of clean water and sanitation for all we must boost infrastructure investment, and improve coordination across sectors. To provide access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy for all, we must accelerate electrification, increase investments in renewable energy and improve energy grids.

Our second strategic impact area addresses core issues at the heart of the climate crisis: the growing need for sustainable food sources, clean water and renewable energy solutions. As climate patterns become ever more erratic, populations in many countries continue to grow, and economic systems face instability, the demand for consistent and sustainable food, water and energy will correspondingly increase.

Solution Areas

The innovations we fund in support of SDG #2 Zero Hunger relate to regenerative and smart agriculture, food productivity, production and supply, and food waste reduction.

The innovations we fund in support of SDG #6 Clean Water and Sanitation relate to water-use efficiency and management, clean water production, pollution and wastewater reduction.

The innovations we fund in support of SDG #7 Affordable Clean Energy relate to renewable energy production, green infrastructure and distribution, clean energy access and affordability.


Equitable, Healthy & Resilient Communities

Inclusive societies to improve the wellbeing of all humans.

Enabling consumers to manage, share, and make sense of their medical records.

Helping people with limited mobility retain dignity, confidence, and independence.

Empowering people to create a cleaner planet by turning information into actionable insight.

Building a new energy system with rooftop solar at the cornerstone.

Revolutionizing building electrification through simple HVAC installation and management.

Combining cutting-edge technology with sustainable practices to redefine the way humanity grows and consumes food.

Transforming ecosystems through agriculture, food access, nutrition education, and community.

Creating braille-on-demand and educational products for visually impaired children.

Leveraging cell-free DNA and Machine Learning to detect ovarian cancer earlier.

Improving equity for underserved communities through educational games and tools.

Our third strategic impact area is based on the idea that true resilience in the face of climate change transcends the mere capacity to recover from emergencies — it requires the creation of inclusive communities that foster well-being for all.

Our approach is to incorporate elements of resilience into the daily lives of individuals, ensuring that the essentials — clean water, nutritious food, secure housing, reliable energy, accessible education and comprehensive healthcare — are not just available, but equitably distributed. By supporting innovators who are developing solutions that can foster resilience, we will empower communities to not only withstand economic and climate shocks but to thrive, cultivating a strength that is broad in scope and deep in impact.

This commitment to democratizing innovation embodies a shift from top-down imposition of solutions to a more participatory, grassroots model of development. Our initiatives aim to enable communities to voice their unique needs and participate in the development of solutions that will sustain their well-being and resilience in the face of an ever-changing world.

Our Equitable and Healthy Communities impact area aligns with Sustainable Development Goals #3 Good Health and Well-Being, #5 Gender Equality and #11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. To support good health and well-being, we must deal with longstanding shortcomings in providing affordable holistic healthcare to underinvested neighborhoods. In the efforts to achieve gender equality, we must reform discriminatory policies and dismantle systemic barriers. To create sustainable cities and communities, we must strengthen capacities for green urban development, improve access to public transportation and enhance waste management.

Solution Areas

The innovations we fund in support of SDG #3 Good Health and Well-Being relate to access to care and financial equity, disease screening, prevention and treatment, and holistic well-being, including nutritious foods and mental health.

The innovations we fund in support of SDG #5 Gender Equality relate to education access and platforms, professional development, equality monitoring and reporting.

The innovations we fund in support of SDG #11 Sustainable Cities relate to affordable and safe housing, urban farming and resilience to extreme weather.



Our Commitment

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we are uniquely positioned to support and fund high-potential areas that are often overlooked by conventional investors.

—LARTA Institute

These strategic investments fill a critical gap, supporting innovations that promise measurable and tangible benefits in the support of a sustainable planet. Through strategic and operational support, we aid companies as they grow, ensuring their solutions are not one-off experiments but scalable enterprises designed to create lasting change.

This commitment to innovation, deeply embedded in community needs and sustainable development, underscores our role in guiding startups towards creating a more resilient and sustainable planet.


Developing the Impact, Investment, and Portfolio Strategy for a Startup Accelerator